How to make thin and crispy pizza crust

How to make thin and crispy pizza crust

Learn from the Baker National Team how to make a thin and crispy pizza crust

This is what you need

  • 800 g wheat flour (Preferably Tipo 0 / 00)
  • 5.2 dl cold water
  • 16 g salt
  • 20 g fresh yeast
  • 40 g oil
  • 10 g honey
  • some semolina for shaping pizza

How to do it:

  1. Put all ingredients except oil in the baking bowl.
  2. Mix the dough with a kneading hook for 2 minutes at speed 20%.
  3. Increase to 60% speed and knead the dough for 10 minutes. When 2 minutes remain, add the oil little by little while the machine is running. The dough should now be elastic with good strength.
  4. Cut the dough into 8 pieces of approx. 175 g and form the blanks round. Place on a tray and cover with plastic.
  5. The dough rises at room temperature for 1 – 2 hours (or until doubled in size)
  6. Sprinkle well with semolina on the counter and form an edge with your fingertips. Then carefully stretch out until the pizza is the size you want and place the dough on a pizza shovel. Alternatively, a rolling pin and baking paper can be used.
  7. Add toppings and cheese as desired.
  8. Bake the pizza as hot as the oven will go (typically 250 – 300°C). For best results, the use of a preheated pizza stone or pizza steel is recommended.
Alternatively, the pizza can also be baked directly on a preheated baking tray. Cooking time will vary depending on the oven and cooking method. The pizza is ready when the crust feels firm and the cheese has turned golden.



Please try long-term elevation. Long-term rising helps the dough to develop more and as a result the dough does not retract as much when shaping. Long-term rising also contributes to better flavor development and a finer crust with large air bubbles. Procedure: For long-term fermentation, the amount of yeast is reduced by half (10 g). When the dough has been cut into round pieces and covered, put them in the fridge for at least 8 hours. The dough keeps well for several days in the refrigerator.

Is the recipe too big? Feel free to use half the dough for focaccia or form loaf. Alternatively, it is fine to halve the recipe.

For a simple pizza sauce, it is recommended to mix together a can of tinned tomatoes with some onion and salt and pepper. Then process to a fine mass with a hand mixer or blender.


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