Hot Chocolate

Hot Chocolate

Make cocoa without a boiler! Homemade cocoa with chocolate is the very best. Make it easily in our blender - you don't have to stir or make sure it doesn't burn.

This is what you need

  • 100 g chocolate (in pieces)
  • 6 dl milk
  • 1 dl cream
  • 2 tablespoons of sugar
  • 2 dl cream for cream

With the temperature gauge on top of the food stopper, you can measure the temperature until you get the desired heat on the cocoa.

This is how you do it

  1. Put chocolate pieces, milk, cream and sugar in the Powerfuel blender.
  2. Set to start (high speed) and the cocoa will make itself while it is heating up.
  3. Use the thermometer to measure temperature.
  4. Whip cream, and serve steaming hot cocoa with cream, topped with a little chocolate.


See how to do it here

With our Powerfuel blenders you can heat up contents:


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